With over 19 years of government work experience both as a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) professional and as Kingsville’s Zoning Inspector, I believe I have a variety of skills to offer the township. From managing budgets, to interacting with other government agencies, to dealing with contracts and vendors, to assisting the public with their concerns, I’ve dealt with a wide range of situations that a township trustee may face.
My goal as trustee would be to preserve the character and history of our township while taking us forward using the latest technology and ideas.
Some of my specific ideas include:
- Township Website – Residents should have 24/7 access to important information like meeting times and minutes, the township zoning text, upcoming events, fee schedules, and the budget.
- Updated Zoning – The establishment of a mixed use Historic District downtown; elimination of outdated regulations; establishment of a 3-5+ acre lot district to maintain the rural character beyond the town center.
- Asset Management – A comprehensive catalog of township infrastructure like roads, guardrails, signs, street lights, and sidewalks documenting current conditions and a projected maintenance schedule so we can better plan for the future and stay within our budget.
- EMS and Fire – Continue to support and bolster our first responders so residents receive the best care and fastest service.
We are a small bedroom community of just over 1,600 residents but I don’t think that means we can’t or shouldn’t take advantage of the resources (websites, databases, full-time EMS) available to larger entities like cities. I want to offer my skills to help Kingsville develop these resources in a smart and cost-effective way. My experience tells me that we can do this while preserving the way of life we’ve come to enjoy in Kingsville.